Headless CMS in practise - how to use Contentful to its fullest potential

Even if the differences between headless CMS and traditional CMS are clear the question remains: do I need a headless CMS? It’s a practical question that deserves a practical answer. In this article you can read about some typical headless CMS use cases and also explore how especially Contentful can be more than a mere CMS in the traditional sense, actually revolutionizing the concept of content and turning into a digital business tool.

How to use Contentful to its fullest potential

Headless CMS Use Cases

Websites. There is no doubt that headless CMSs can surpass traditional CMSs in terms of serving content to websites of all types, whether static, dynamic, or hybrid. This is possible thanks to Contentful's Content Management API (CMA) and Content Delivery API (CDA), which offer flexibility for this purpose.

E-Commerce. While traditional CMS frameworks can be adapted for e-commerce use (such as the monolithic Magento), the reality is that they are not the most secure or convenient solution. On the other hand, headless CMSes are perfectly capable of provisioning the back-end of any e-commerce platform easily and predictably. For bigger setups, ecommerce engine and content management platform can be integrated.

Web Applications. Their flexible nature makes headless CMSes an ideal alternative for web applications. In the case of Contentful, a variety of SDKs are available for this purpose. Whether you prefer to use Javascript, Python, Ruby, Android, iOS, Java, .NET, or PHP, Contentful has full support, SDKs and sample applications to speed up the development process.

Other use cases. Since the main purpose of the headless CMS is to serve content, it can be used to leverage any type of service such as voice assistants, chatbots, digital kiosks, and more.

Contentful as a digital experience orchestration tool

Many enterprises are adopting the structured content approach because it allows them to enrich the digital customer experience in ways that were not possible before. Contentful's flexibility to quickly and efficiently create any type of content allows it to adapt to multiple business requirements.

This is how Contentful has become a Content Infrastructure that connects all stages of the sales funnel and provides a seamless experience throughout the customer journey. From landing pages, blog posts, and white papers to product pages, knowledge bases, chatbots, and voice assistants, all content can be managed efficiently.

Also admin side can be easily customised for example to marketing, content producers and support departments’ different needs. Moreover, these changes can be made faster at different levels simultaneously since data is unified into a single headless content hub.

All in all, Contentful and its headless CMS approach give your business the ability to integrate content creation and management into your cloud-based pipeline, facilitating the entire process and allowing you to deliver better content faster.

Considering Contentful or headless approach? Take advantage of our expertise to get your technology choices just right. Get in touch, we'd be happy to talk more!