We’ve moved! Take a peek at our new office

In January, we moved into our new office space. Our address stayed the same as we only moved up two floors in the same building. In two months, Lamiateers have adapted well to the new surroundings. Take a look at the pictures from our new office and read about how Lamiateers feel about the change.

Lamia's new office in Kamppi

Inspired by space

In 2018, Lamia hired 20 new experts. Hence, we ran out of office space and had to come up with a plan B. Luckily, there was a whole floor empty in the same building in Runeberginkatu 5B. In June, two floors up from our old and belove office, began the renovations for our new 1000m2 home.

Our vision of an office space that would match our growing needs was designed in cooperation with the interior design gurus from Mint & More. Now we have all we need: enough negotiation rooms for meetings, areas for productive teamwork, ergonomic workstations and a spacious kitchen & lounge area for eating, hangouts, and events. The inspiration for the atmosphere and color scheme was drawn from space.

Technical aspects were taken seriously, too. The lounge area has a huge screen, sound system, and lights to make memorable events possible. The disco balls above the sofa area bring some extra funk to our work days.

Lamia Logo toimistolla
Tiimityötä toimistolla
Vihreä sohva ja diskopallot Lamian toimistolla
Lamian keittiö
Lamian toimiston oleskelu- ja keittiötila
Ohjelmistokehittäjiä lamialla

Impressive yet practical

A quick poll among Lamiateers shows that the new office space is found a comfy place to work & chill in. The plants, plenty of which can be found in every room, add to the cozy feeling.

However, more important than the impressive interior design seems to be the freedom to choose the right place for one to concentrate. Most days the solitude of one’s workstation is a must but sometimes you might feel dynamic and want to work from the sofa with your laptop.

"Because the work space, meeting rooms and lounge are separated, it's easy to concentrate." – Antti, developer

“At first, I was a little bit worried about the black ceiling. However, now I feel that the dark colors combined with green plants make a great combination for both concentration and relaxing." – Ilja-developer

"Compared to the old office, there are more plants and better separation between the event and work areas. The air conditioning and the professional interior design are a big plus, too!" - Andy, developer

“I find the shower awesome! It’s pretty cool that one save time by coming straight to the office after a morning work out and get fresh & ready in peace before starting the day." – Mikaela, designer

"One of my favorite things is the lounge area with a big, comfortable sofa and disco balls. When I feel tired, I can go sit there for a while, have tea and a typical Finnish small talk with friends.” – Simon, developer

"I find the different shades of green and brown great, kudos for the interior designers! I’m a fan of our workstations, which have a lot of space and big screens. Thanks to the big windows, we get to enjoy daylight." – Riikka, data scientist

"Wow." – Akseli, thinker