Lamia projects and services continue during corona virus situation

During the past week the corona virus situation has transformed the whole operational landscape in Finland. At Lamia our priorities lie in taking care of our employees and providing reliable service to all our customers at these exceptional times.

Lamia projects continue normally during corona virus situation

Lamia's teams are working at full capacity

We have invested in active internal project communications for a long time already. In this extraordinary situation where our whole staff has moved to remote work, it has been great to see how smoothly everyone and every team at Lamia has adapted to the new situation. Tight and effective cooperation in our projects has continued without interruption.

Projects and services continue as normal

All our customer projects continue as normal. Customer and project meetings are organized remotely, otherwise all meeting practices remain the same.

Our support and maintenance services also operate as normal - we maintain web services and all additional development needs are taken care of as before.

Open communications with customers

Our project managers and customer responsibles have been or will be in contact with all our customers so that we can ensure smooth cooperation during the special situation this spring. We are at our customers' disposal as before - and even more so right now.

The on-going situation affects the business of many companies. The value of online business is increasingly important to many of our customers at this time and we at Lamia are here to support, secure and build this business.

We value open dialogue with our customers regarding our on-going projects and how we can best support our customers right now. All our service area teams are ready to help - design, software development, cloud, data, growth marketing.

At your service in small and big matters

We are here for our customers. Sparring, discussing, ideation, planning, scaling, changes - we hope that through our cooperation we can support our customers in a way that best serves their business.

Yours sincerely,
Lamia team

Jarkko Puumalainen
Chief Operating Officer
0400 316 801